How to Use the Service
Now available in these output formats:

  • Usage 1 (Formatted - default):
  • Usage 2 (Piped):
  • Usage 3 (Piped WITH Header):
  • Usage 4 (Short):
  • Usage 5 (Short WITH Header):
  • Usage 6 (extra short): (akin to "s" format in Version 1.0)
  • Usage 7 (json):
  • Usage 8 (table):
  • Usage 9 (table simple):
  • Usage 10 (QRCode):
  • Usage 11 (Callsign Card):

API Call Return Codes
Return codes in response to the API calls

  • -1 : Callsign Not Found.
  • -2 : Bad Format Supplied. Ensure the supplied format conforms to the above usage guidance.
  • -3 : System Busy. In scenarios where a background / maintenance process is in progress.

Output format and Envelopes
Following section describes the envelope for each of the formatted outputs.

  • Default Format:
    • {Column-name : Column value} for each output-line<BR>

  • Piped (p), Short (s) and Extra Short (x) - without Header:
    • <CALL> {column-value} </CALL>

  • Piped (ph), Short (sh) - with Header:
    • <HEADER> {header-columns} </HEADER><CALL> {header-column-values} </CALL>

  • JSON (j):
    • Standard JSON formatted output. No additional envelope

  • Table Format (t):
    • Standard TABLE HTML block with THEAD, TBODY, TH, TR and TD tags with embedded class and id attributes. Can be useful to custom formatting to your choice.

  • Table Format Simple (ts):
    • Simple and standard TABLE HTML block with THEAD, TBODY, TH, TR and TD tags. WITHOUT embedded class and id attributes.

  • QRCode (q):
    • Generates a QRCode for the callsign and renders a simple webpage with embeded IMG tag.

  • Callsign Card (c):
    • Generates a stylized callsign card inserted with QRCode and callsign details.

Note that all formats (except for the "X", "J", "JSON") have a tail ending <TELEMETRY> envelope with crank/elapsed time stamp.

System Busy Status

This indicates whether the system is busy. The system is flagged as busy when the background data processing sub-system is in progress. During which time, the lookup service is momentarily suspended from service. The system will be put back on service once the background process completes.

Up since: 2024-12-03 00:02:19 Tue

The last date and time the local callsign repository was refreshed. Typically, this is scheduled to occur mid-night every day.

 Started:    Completed: 2024-12-03 00:02:19 Tue 

The system has a simple AI sub-system that learns the most used call signs over time. The background processing system uses this intel to pre-load the repositories for faster cached performance.

Total callsigns in the History

Historical Repository Total History: 335